On our free day, Wednesday, A group of us went to Fussen to see the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is the castle Walt Disney is modeled after. So far 75% of the greatness of anything we do comes from the landscape and such that is so often breathtaking. Pictures will help, but they can by no means grasp to any real degree of accuracy, for example, the magnificence of the snow capped Alps and broadness of the green valleys, etc. The view of the countryside from the Mountain was terrific and when we went to a nearby bridge to get a great view of the Castle etc, wind started rousing in force and the rain was soon to come and I can't express how it felt. I guess that's what's is special about being there instead of at a computer reading this. On what turned to be a long journey back to marktoberdorf we enjoyed rain, good WeinerschnitzelI and some Scared Harp whilst waiting for the train to arrive at the station. It was great.
In truth, I was just beginning to become attached to Marktoberdorf and the Musicacademie where we made beautiful music as it was time to move on to our next destination - here in Spittal der an Drau, where the competition takes place. Last night we enjoyed being the audience to some great choral music in the Opening Ceremony. There are 10 choirs here from 10 different countries and it is very special to be here for the same reason and to be making music with and for each other and sharing our own musical backgrounds with the other countries. It appears the SudAfrikans (south afrika) are most excited about seeing us. And I think we will most easily bond with them.
Yesterday during our first roam of Spittal, in the courtyard where Castle Porcia resides (where we will be performing tonight) a band was playing American music like Stars and Stripes ´Forever (though I don't think that was of them) and it was a really great sensation to be in an Austria city and here American music played by a German band. I met a little boy and tried to speak to him. I asked him "what is your name" in German and he appeared dumb, in the original sense of the word. When I motioned to him that I wanted to take a picture with him he ran over to his parents and they told him everything was ok so he came back and we got the picture, which I have posted. Come to find out they are Italian, which explained well the boy's confusion. The band is in the background with red uniforms on.
After hearing the Sudafrikens practice today (who sounded great) I think all of us became extremely motivated, because we had the best rehearsal today that we have had all trip as far as people paying attention and the energy with which we were singing. I don't have any expectations as to how we will do in the competition, mostly because I am unfamiliar with the other choirs, but I know we will have the time of our lives singing in the castle for all the people - who love to sing. This is just great.
I really can't express how unique this is. I consider myself among the most privileged to be able to experience this. There is so much more to tell, but must suffice at present. Dinner will be served presently, and as I am in an internet cafe, I must allow myself time to return to the hotel. The performances begin at 8:30 local, so 1:30pm in Memphis. Think of us. I miss you all.
post script. The pictures essentially loaded backwards, chronologically speaking, but the descriptions should help. enjoy.
The brown building behind the church is where we eat lunch on our way to Spittal Austria. the view was incredible.
Castle Porcia where the competition is - in the heart of Spittal.
The lad who was not German. Also the band behind us.
We who walked twenty minutes UP a road (up the Alps, no less) to Neuschwanstein Castle.
A view the Countryside from the road up to the castle.
This is me, against the wind, hence the hair-do, with Neuschwanstein Castle at my back. it was incredible.
The group eating after getting soaked by the rain whilst retreating from Neuschwanstein Castle. It was such an AWESOME (and I do mean awesome) day!
yo bro. first commenter, yes! i cannot begin to tell you how much i miss you right now. I have picked up the phone at lest 3 times on my way to the car after school to call you or write you a text, then i realize you are gone and i get blue. theres no one to make me keep the room clean right now, and i park next to your car sometimes to keep it from getting lonely. I am almost done with this class!! i think you would be proud of me, i am proud of you, so go sing the heck out of them lungs and do us proud. show them Germans that homeboys can sing! So, have a good time, but come home soon, its not cool with you gone and harris and davis and dan think the same. see you soon.
p.s. jamie says hi
Roy, thanks for commenting - its great to hear from you! I miss all of you very much. thanks for keeping my car company, and I am glad to hear class is going well. Tell jame i said Hallo.
AOAOMFS, I have made your daughters aware that you would like to here from them, and let them know my blog is at their disposal. They just seem to not be very interested in contacting the outer worlds right now. sorry. I say Hallo for them.
Austria. Wow. Seen any kangaroo's?
- Dad
I know this is off subject, and I AM reading your blog, Andrew, but I just had to say that I bought that Shave Secret oil stuff, and it. is. so. sweet. I had zero irritation and a very close shave. I, too, highly recommend this product. It'll probably turn out that it has some huge side effect on down the road. Like, after about five shaves, you wake up one morning without a jaw or something. But it works for me, so I'm stickin' to it.
Hallo, dear boy,
I fully expected that this would be the mind of the girls, and I do say "mind" for they are of one on this issue, no doubt. Kathryn sent a short email, but I know what they are thinking, and they have our complete understanding and approval. Do continue to let them know we send our love and our happiness for their...happiness.
Tell them that many at the Jamboree asked about them and missed their sweet voices. We had a great time as usual. You must go with us sometime.
Loving your reports. Was surprised that Kathryn wasn't along on that great walk you all took. (That probably seems like forever ago by now.)
what is "what is your name" in German?
APB - Watching for your next update, but not seeing one means you're busy soaking it all in and making every minute count, so it's fun not seeing one too.
If and when you call co$$ect again, make a note of the local number so we can ca$$ you back :0
Grandpa's birthday is July 8, which you are living in right now as I am typing. (sheesh, this is weird), and since he is your sort of germanic forebear, it would be so neat if y'all could send him a joint email on this day....like to Aunt Pam's email address so he can go there and read it. Maybe post a pic of the 3 of you smiling at him. With a sign that says Happy B'd ay in german. Too much to ask? Well, then send him a postcard postmarked July 8.
Glad you're having so much fun and singing to the world. Missing You All! this includes D.Gooch and Michael P. Jones.
Well, we finally got around to it today. Went for lunch at the local watering hole for German expatriates, Henk's European Deli and Black Forest Bakery (yeah, it makes for a really long sign out front). Had reubens and apple strudel in your honor, next to old German fellows packing away bierwurst and wienerschnitzel. Wondered if the old guys over there also have a notable tendency toward admirable posture, nice watches, cuffed trousers, and mild gruffness with waitresses unless they've downed a pilsner or two?
I can't help but begin to notice that this is a really long trip. We keep calculating what time it is there and speculating what y'all are up to... we're eating lunch, you're likely eating dinner; we're awake, you're asleep; we're sweating through Caitlin's bridal portrait session at the Arboretum while y'all are performing...
Soak it all up, brother. It'll be over before you know it. Big love.
Since I'm here, checking in to see...on the off chance that you poste...might as well leave a hug. I notice that today is free; no tellin' where your rambles will take you. DON'T SKIMP ON THE PICTURES. Ha. That's like preaching to the choir. (oh. you are the choir. double ha.! ::laughs at own humor::
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
And love aplenty to all of you Wanderers. Who are not lost.
Will a recording of the performances be available? I imagine they would be awesome. Hugs from West Texas!
its been great to read all the posts! mama, you are exactly right, there have been no posts because I am so busy having fun! Yesterday a group of us went to Salzburg. we were there from about 11:30am to 1:00am. We took the train back here to Wolfsburg and arrived around 7am, because of train switching and an hour layover, etc. Quite an eventful journey! we are now waiting for 1p to come 'round to leave for Gray where we will remain for the duration of the trip. I am sure I will post at some point when I'm over there. keeping praying for our physical and spiritual safety!
I am so glad you are able to keep everyone updated. I think Jarrett and I need to see the Alps on our next trip.:) Great pictures. We miss all of you. Tell the girls "hi" for us.
Sarah, Jarrett and the gang
Tell M&K I got their postcard. Lovely! And thell them I'm there looking at the window boxes and waking up to the church bells in spirit!! Miss you all more because I know you're not anywhere near 4 hours away. :(
Andrew, what's your other blog's address?
We are having German pork chops tonight in your (and M&K's) honour. Also, it's an easy recipe.
man oh man oh man...I think y'all performed this evening, and I'm just on pins and needles on the inside even though there's not one thing I can do about it. Did you win?
I know I'm a little prolific on the commenting, and that's kind of embarrassing, but gotta get this message to you, and i'm hoping you'll see this on Friday.
Should have added: Don't be concerned. It's not an emergency or bad news or anything like that.
okay. I now we are not supposed to covet but I am so coveting this trip right now!!!!
I miss you all, like I do all the time since I don't get to see you everyday, and I hope you all are having a great time over there in the Germanic lands.
Molly and Kathryn, you HAVE to take a picture of the first person you meet who has a Scottish accent. That is, if you meet one over there in Germany, but I figure since you are closer to Scotland where you are now than where I am, you have a better percentage of a chance to meet someone like that. Understand?
Saturday evening. 8pm our time. Andrew, if you read this message *after* **your** Sunday morning, DON'T call us collect.
We love you anyway.
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